10 Simple Steps to Optimize Your Work-From-Home Routine

10 steps to optimize your work-from-home routine
A thriving work-from-home setup is becoming increasingly valuable to people all over the world. The trend of working from home is rapidly gaining popularity and is showing no signs of slowing down. More individuals are choosing remote work, freelancing, or starting their own businesses. This includes an expanding group of digital nomads, who are enjoying the benefits of optimizing their workspaces while traveling to new countries. And, of course, there are those who simply wish to get work done on the weekends. Many people have difficulty optimizing their home environment for work. The good news is that with the right setup and plan, you can achieve maximum productivity working from home while taking advantage of the perks that working from home has to offer. Here are 10 simple steps that you can take to optimize your work-from-home routine and maximize your productivity.
A laptop sitting on a home workstation
Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

1. Have a consistent morning routine

Starting your day off right is crucial to achieving productivity.Begin by waking up at the same time every day, just as you would if you were heading into the office. Give yourself the necessary personal time to settle in and mentally prepare for the day ahead.Remember, you have the entire day to accomplish your tasks, so take a moment to pause and set your mental to-do list aside. Avoid distractions such as social media, messages, or the news. Those can wait for your breaks or after your workday has ended.If you’re feeling sluggish, try getting dressed as it can help trick your mind into feeling more focused and motivated .

2. Create a dedicated workspace

It’s important to create a workspace that keeps you comfortable and motivated, since you’ll be spending the majority of your workday there.

Neglecting it will interfere with your productivity and cause unnecessary distractions. Therefore, keeping your workspace clean and tidy is an absolute must.

There are plenty of ways to optimize your workspace to suit your needs, whether it’s adding plants and pictures of loved ones to investing in ergonomic chairs.

You can also set up your workspace in an area where there’s natural light, which is a great way to boost your energy levels. 

If you have more space in your home, take advantage of this by setting up multiple workstations. This will allow you to move around and change up your scenery, which can be a great way to refresh your mind.

Coworking space
Photo by myHQ Workspaces on Unsplash

3. Switch up your work environment

This tip is especially helpful for those living in smaller spaces or sharing an apartment with others. Being in the same confined workspace day in and day out can get monotonous, and it’s easy to lose focus.

But working from home doesn’t mean having to be stuck at home. 

You have the option to work from a nearby coworking space or a coffee shop that has the ideal workspace (not to mention the coffee you love). This is an excellent alternative for those who want to break free from the isolation of working from home and enjoy some human interaction.

When you decide to work outside, make sure you have your VPN activated while using a shared Wi-Fi network. Additionally, be prepared with all the necessary equipment you’ll need to work comfortably outside of your home, such as a laptop stand and noise-canceling headphones.

4. Have a clear set of goals

By setting clear goals, you’re able to eliminate distractions and focus on what’s most important for the day ahead. 

Time blocking your tasks can also help you stay on track and avoid wasting valuable time.

It’s important to keep your list of goals short and prioritize the most important tasks. Trying to accomplish too much can be overwhelming and counterproductive.

Setting up your goals the day before allows you to reflect on your accomplishments and plan for the next day with a clear mind. This simple routine can make a big difference in your productivity and motivation.

5. Take care of small tasks right away

Before you move on to your main goals, begin with those small, immediate tasks. Think of this as your warmup before game time.

This means responding to emails and messages from your boss, coworkers, and teammates. Doing this demonstrates that you are responsible and focused on the work, even if you’re not in the office.

Staying connected with the people you work with is not only good practice, but it’s also an excellent way to hold yourself accountable. You’re more likely to follow through on your work if you tell someone that you will do it.

Staying connected also improves teamwork, as a lack of face-to-face interaction can negatively impact group morale and productivity.

Finally, completing these small tasks provides a great motivational boost and gives you the feeling that you’re starting the day off on the right foot.

6. Start with your most important work

“Eat the frog” is a productivity method that recommends you tackle the most difficult and stressful work first.

Completing the toughest task not only gives you a sense of accomplishment but also motivates you to complete the smaller tasks later on.

However, it’s essential to use this method when your brain is at its peak performance. If you’re not a morning person, then use this approach whenever you perform your best work, whether that’s in the afternoon or evening.

7. Remove any distractions

When working from home, it can be tempting to relax in the same areas where you work. 

As your own manager, it’s up to you to stay focused and productive. Without the structure of an office, it’s easy to get sidetracked and lose your concentration.

To stay on task, it’s essential to create an environment that’s free from distractions. 

Some people work best in total silence, while others need music to help them focus. If you fall into the latter category, take the time to prepare the playlists that will help you stay productive.

Make sure to close any irrelevant apps or tabs to prevent yourself from losing focus. If you find incoming messages too distracting, set your phone and laptop to “do not disturb”.

8. Honor your breaks and meals

The benefits of working from home are numerous, and one of them is the ability to enjoy all the perks that come with it. 

This includes actually taking breaks and eating a proper lunch rather than being confined to a 30-minute lunch break! 

Research shows that taking breaks actually increases productivity and improves focus. Working from home also means that you have the opportunity to make home-cooked meals, which is healthier than getting store-bought food. 

A group of containers with healthy pre-packaged food
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

So, what does this mean? 

It means that you can’t make excuses to order in or pick up a quick bite, which usually means fast food, on the way home from work! 

A recent study also shows that most people working from home tend to get into the habit of preparing healthier meals, which leads to an improved diet and increased productivity in the long run. 

It’s also crucial to take breaks during the workday to recharge your mind and body from the stressors of your work.

You can use that time to indulge in some light reading, take care of household chores or engage in self-care activities.

9. Get movement throughout the day

One downside of working from home is that it can cause us to stay sedentary for extended periods, which increases our stress levels. 

For that reason, you must be sure to incorporate movement into your daily routine.

This could be a quick workout, yoga session, or even a short run. You don’t have to spend an hour exercising, as even 15 to 30 minutes of movement can make a significant difference if done regularly.

During your breaks, take the opportunity to stretch your body and improve your posture.

You can also go for a walk outside. Exposure to natural light boosts your energy and alleviates stress, which will enhance your productivity for the rest of the day.

10. Create your work-life balance

Working from home can make it hard for us to maintain a clear separation between work and leisure time. It’s important to remember that your home is not only your workspace but also your haven for relaxation. Failing to establish a healthy balance can negatively impact your physical health and lead to burnout.

While it’s important to have a structured work schedule, it’s equally important to honor your relaxation time. Plan activities that allow you to unwind, whether it’s having dinner with friends or watching your favorite show.

But before you call it a day, take a moment to plan your goals for the following day. This way, you’ll have a clear objective of what you want to achieve without wasting valuable time and energy in the morning trying to figure it out.

Final Thoughts

There you have it! Remember to take your time to experiment with different work-from-home strategies and find what works best for you. It’s okay to take small steps and adjust your routine accordingly. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Once you find the optimal routine, you’ll be able to achieve peak productivity while also ensuring you have time for rest and relaxation. Don’t forget to appreciate the benefits of working from home and enjoy your surroundings. It’s one of the greatest perks of this setup! 
